Don't back up! The gators of Jekyll await! |
As I'm sure you know if you've been following the blog, time is ticking down to our annual spring trip to Jekyll Island. As the coach that means there's lots to do and lots of balls to hit. With one week of practice behind us the team is working hard to be as prepared as possible in our snowy wonderland. It's a little disheartening waking up to more snow these days, but we'll do what we can to get ready. Everyone is working hard on their respective swing mechanics, getting re-familiarized with the clubs, how they feel and what they can do with them. We've set up our indoor practice areas with all sorts of ways to prepare, however chipping across the fieldhouse floor would be better preparation for Oakmont than Jekyll, I'm sure! Wish I'd ventured up there last summer as I got ready for the Women's US Open! At any rate, a stroke is a stroke is a stroke and as my mentor and teaching guru Manuel de la Torre says, your surroundings shouldn't have any affect on you making the best swing/stroke you can make since that's what you're supposed to be paying attention to. So with that said and with snow forecast the next few days, it's back to indoor practice! Maybe the tracksters running past as we're trying to practice putting will help our focus practice, or at least the wind from them zooming by will feel like an ocean breeze at Jekyll? Run fast tracksters!
We can only dream!
18th tee Pine Lakes GC, Jekyll Island, GA |
Coach Nause
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